
As peoples who share the food system and Mother Earth, Agroecology is ours and is built by our movements based on our ancestral knowledge and more recent decades of practical experience. This vision of Agroecology takes into account all the diversity in the production, collection and consumption of food by our peoples.

Latest updates on our work

Jul 2024

Movements from the Africa Region meet to discuss towards Nyéléni Global Forum

As a prelude to Africa’s participation in the 2025 Nyeleni Global...
Jul 2024

Declaration from Asia Pacific Towards Nyeleni 2025

From 9 to 12 June in Sri Lanka, 60 representatives from...
Oct 2023

Beyond World Food Day: time to join our efforts towards the achievement of Food sovereignty

The World Food Day is an occasion for small-scale food producers’...

A group fighting for the right to food

IPC is represented by the Nyéléni Food Sovereignty Movement. Nyéléni ECA is a political and social alliance of grassroots, community based movements and organizations, representing small-scale food producers.

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