Facilitator: Paula Gioia – ECVC/LVC, Germany
Europe & Central Asia

Facilitator: Judith Hitchman – Urgenci, Ireland/France
Olcay Bingol – ECVC/LVC – Belgium
IPC organizations are
present and active in:
Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey, United Kingdom.
Our work in the region
Working space
IPC is represented by the Nyéléni Europe and Central Asia Food Sovereignty Movement (Nyéléni ECA). Nyéléni ECA is a political and social alliance of grassroots, community based movements and organizations, representing small-scale food producers: peasants/small farmers, pastoralists, indigenous peoples, small-scale fisher people, agriculture and food workers; and supporting constituencies, such as urban poor; rural and urban women’s and youth organisations; consumers, environmental, justice, solidarity, human rights organizations; community-based food movements, which politically respect the 6 principles of Food Sovereignty as agreed at the First Nyéléni Food Sovereignty Forum and sign up to the Nyéléni Europe Declaration from 2011.
The Facilitation Committee is composed of 5 active member organisations of the social movement constituencies in particular food producers. The nomination of the representatives follows autonomous consultation within the constituencies represented in the Facilitation Committee. In order to guarantee fluid communication and work between existing IPC processes in the Region, the Facilitation Committee of the CSOs in Europe and Central Asia is represented by 3 members of Nyéléni Europe and Central Asia Facilitation Committee from different constituencies.
Nyeleni ECA – Cluj Napoca Forum Report 2016 [IPC publication]
Nyeleni ECA – More farmers better food [IPC publication]
Nyeleni ECA – Structure [IPC publication]
ECVC – European Coordination Via Campesina, small-scale farmers constituency
URGENCI – The International Network of Community Supported Agriculture, consumers constituency
CSIPN – Centre for Support of Indigenous Peoples of the North, indigenous peoples constituency
WFFP – World Forum of Fisher Peoples, fisher peoples constituency
ESN/ European Chapter of WAMIP – The World Alliance of Mobile Indigenous Peoples, pastoralists constituency
Producation and consumption
Changing how food is produced and consumed with specific focus on small-scale, localized, sustainable and agroecological food systems;
Changing how food is distributed to guarantee short supply chains and the re-establishment and the strengthening of territorial markets;
Work and social conditions
Valuing work and improving social conditions in food and agricultural systems to encourage fair labour relations, to increase the share of added value that goes to producer and local structures, and to ensure a living wage;
Natural resources and commons
Reclaiming and asserting the right to land, water and other natural resources and the Commons;
Public policies
Changing public policies governing our food and agricultural systems to advance food sovereignty in Europe, also considering its influence to other regions of the world;
Regional Consultation of the CSOs
The IPC Regional Process participates in the Steering Committee decided by CSOs, which is responsible to organize independently at the regional level the Regional Consultation of Civil Society Organizations.
These consultations are organized before the FAO Regional Conferences to work on a shared and common declaration to be read during the Conferences.
The CSOs participate as observers to the FAO Regional Conferences. The participants are decided among the different CSOs (IPC and non IPC organizations) present at the Consultation.
Last Regional CSO Consultation and the 34nd FAO Conference in the ECA Region: Nyéléni Europe and Central Asia communication
Last ERC
33rd session of the FAO Regional Conference for Europe, Łódź (Poland), Hybrid Event, 10/05/2022 – 13/05/2022