SINCE 1996

We fight for Food Sovereignty all over the world

More than 6000 organizations and 300 millions of small-scale food producers self-organise themselves through the IPC, who facilitates dialogue and debate among actors from civil society, governments and others in the field of Food Security and Nutrition
  • We stand for
    peoples' rights to land, water, food, seeds and livelihoods
  • We provide
    a space for self-organization, exchange and planning
  • We promote
    a change in the global food policy agenda
member organizations
million people

Latest updates on our work

Oct 2024

Participate in the Launch of the 3rd Nyéléni Global Forum!

See the instructions for participating in the global launch of the...
Sep 2024

The Nyéléni Process advances in the North America Region

On May 8th and 9th, 2024, the North American Nyéléni Coordination...

Regional Processes


The IPC articulates in Regional Processes, in an effort to connect the global and the local struggles for food sovereignty

Asia & Pacific

The IPC articulates in Regional Processes, in an effort to connect the global and the local struggles for food sovereignty

Latin America & Caribbean

The IPC articulates in Regional Processes, in an effort to connect the global and the local struggles for food sovereignty

Near East & North Africa

The IPC articulates in Regional Processes, in an effort to connect the global and the local struggles for food sovereignty

Europe & Central Asia

The IPC articulates in Regional Processes, in an effort to connect the global and the local struggles for food sovereignty

North America

The IPC articulates in Regional Processes, in an effort to connect the global and the local struggles for food sovereignty


Food sovereignty ensures that rights to use and manage lands, territories, waters, seeds, livestock and biodiversity are in the hands of those of us who produce food


Agricultural Biodiversity

Agricultural biodiversity is severely threatened by industrial commodity production. We fight for Farmers' Rights to seeds and other genetic resources for food and agriculture


Small-scale fishers communities have a unique bond with water, the element shaping their local culture and around which social and economic life revolves

Land, water, forest and territories

The Working Group is a space of struggle, articulation and convergence of social movements and Indigenous Peoples’ organizations, to defend our territories and promote our rights to territory and land


We merge our forces and experiences, visions and knowledge to consolidate a youth driven branch of the food sovereignty movement

Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous Peoples fight for human rights, self-determination, food sovereignty, environmental health and justice


As peoples who share the food system and Mother Earth, Agroecology is ours and is built by our movements based on our ancestral knowledge

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